European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine Prize

(modified May, 2023)

The European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine has created a prize which is awarded annually. It is aimed at encouraging research and to promote the dissemination of knowledge in the field of health sciences. The prize winner will receive: a certificate from the Academy and money towards travel and accommodation costs, to a maximum of €500. The prize will be presented to the winner at an appropriate European meeting.

JRM-clinical communications will publish a summary of the submitted thesis of the winner of the Academy Prize free-of-charge (usually the publication fee is €650)

A submission should be on a rehabilitation, physical medicine or medico-social topic related to the (re-) integration of persons with disability. It should be the work of a doctor or health professional employed in a Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Department, of a country which has an official delegate in the PRM (Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine) Section of the EUMS (European Union of Medical Specialties

The work should be written in one of the two official languages of the Academy (English or French). A summary of the work should be presented in the other official language. It should be typed or printed and may be a finished work or set of works, that is part of a thesis or consists of at least one publication in a peer-reviewed journal. A short CV must also be provided.

Candidates should submit their work at the latest, by 31 August of the year in question, to all members of the Prize Committee ( It should be accompanied by a signed letter in one of the two languages, asking for the submission to be considered for the prize and counter-signed by the head of the department. A copy of their work and the letter should be sent to each member of the Prize Committee (see below for addresses). If the candidate wishes to send their submission in electronic format as a secure PDF file, they may do so, but with a hard (printed) copy being posted to the Chair of the Prize Commission. The candidate is responsible for ensuring that each member of the Prize Committee receives the submission in full.

All candidates will be informed of the decision of the Prize Committee. The successful candidate will be invited to present his/her work and a photograph will be taken for the website.

If only one submission is received the jury may decide to postpone the award to the next year. The decision of the Prize Committee is final. A list of previous prize-winners is published on the Academy website:

The deadline for submissions is 31 August 2023.

Prize Commission

1. Prof João Pinheiro (Chair)

Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra Medicina Física e Reabilitação

Praceta Prof Mota Pinto

3000-075 Coimbra


5. Prof Henk J. Stam,

Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine,

University Hospital

Erasmus MC

3015 GD Rotterdam


6. Prof Stefano Negrini

University of Brescia

Clinical and Experimental Sciences Department

Viale Europa 11 ​Brescia


7. Prof Hans Rietman

Roessingh Research and Development

Roessinghsbleekweg 33b

7522 AH Enschede

The Netherlands